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"This book was a very interesting glimpse of history about baseball without being the least bit boring. It is written reader friendly and not in long historical terms that tend to lose the reader. The facts revealed in the writing is little known and makes it more enjoyable and easy to read than your basic history of baseball."

- Sheba Wedepohl

A Word From The Author

Around the Holidays, I think back to my father and I realize how much he taught me. My father was very stoic and as typical of fathers back then, he did not show much affection. I’d do something and my father would say why didn’t you do it this way? I’d get an A in a subject and my father would nod but only reply if I got a B. He always had a different option that of course was a better solution to the problem This is why I am so competitive as an adult. I do not feel good unless I am one of the best.

My favorite gift as a child was when my father bought me a book on baseball’s greatest players when I was 9 or 10 years old. Over the past 80 years, I have probably read different stories in the book 2 or 3 times a year. They always make me think favorably about my father and proves to me on each read how much he loved me. This also effected my life. When in 7thgrade, the math class teacher showed us how to change fractions into percentages. She’d show how you divide the denominator into the numerator and slide over the decimal places. Once we took out our paper and she asked one seventh is what percentage. I immediately answered 14.3% and she was astonished. She quickly told the other teachers in Junior High and I became a math prodigy. In truth, it wasn’t hard. If a player had 7 at bats with 1 hit, he was batting 143 or he got a hit 14.3% of the time.

My father’s book had me love statistics. I turned this into a lucrative career starting a very efficient media buying service. People advertising wanted a good looking ad. And I would go to them, analyze their buys and say I can improve their response by 40% by buying correctly. I take the same approach as a life insurance buyer. People need life insurance, they hire me to choose a top rated company and figure out the ratios of LTC, term, and permanent life insurance to get them the best bang for the buck depending on their budget and needs. As a mathematician, I see the overall goal and I buy life insurance like they are my kids. It is funny how a book on baseball had such an impact on my life. Baseball Trivia That Only Your Grandpa knows will be treasured by young people and is used to build relationships in discussing it. Each chapter has a Spiritual theme that can be discussed with your grandchildren, nieces or nephews, and even your parents. It is a wholesome book that is fun to read. And not to sound sexist, I am surprised how many women have commented how much they enjoy reading it.

What you may want to consider is giving this as presents for your clients, as a token of appreciation. The books are only $15 plus shipping and handling charges. A small token to invest that may skyrocket into additional business and references.

"Awesome book!!! Highly recommended!! My wife’s family are all big baseball fans, so for thirty years at times I felt like an outsider. However, I gifted each of them a copy of the book, Baseball Trivia Only Your Grandfather Knows. Now I feel like royalty when we visit. But the best part is that, even though I am not a big baseball fan, I enjoyed reading the history and the perspective on what Jackie Robinson meant for America. It is so much more than a game."

- Tom Allen

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